Life is meant to be lived joyfully and celebrated every day, every minute, every waking breath. Reading the entries should inspire our energies to joyful thoughts and positive thinking and allow the Universe and Source to align love, health, wealth, and wisdom, everything in our life that is meant for our highest benefit and good.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Time is My Friend
really loving "time is my friend" affirmation. the other day, a typical drive to work would have been a late arrival. i changed my point of view, and before i started driving, i set out an intention that time is my friend, that my house is Point A and my work is Point B, i then imagine folding that line twice and saying I have enough tme to get to work. intuition kicked in to take another route to work, and got there in 15 mins instead of 30mins. tried it again today and wow! i even had a parking spot right in front of the entrance. TIME is our friend!