Thursday, December 3, 2015

good morning! are you ready to face the day and make the most of it! you can do it!
how was your day? remember to be thankful and go to bed with a grateful heart. forget all the negative experiences today and let go. review and appreciate all the happy ones. release all energy that no longer serves you for higher purpose. tomorrow is a brand new page of your life. God bless you all!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Let God

I'm here Lord, steer me to happiness, prosperity, peace, love, and great health.  Lead me! I am Yours, I am here, and I am ready!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Trust in the Life Process

How is everyone doing? 

I just want to send you all love and blessings.  I know that day to day things may not look rosy on the surface but KNOW that you are always taken care of. 

Trust the life process that you are divinely guided, God, the Source is always looking after you, and blessing you, and taking care of you, and that you are in the path of happiness. 

Living a life of FAITH, of believing that all is well no matter how things look like, is the key to a happy, peaceful, prosperous life.

Keep smiling, and may all your dreams come true!

Spread Love and Inspiration Today!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thinking Positively Is Not a Religion

Thinking positively is a way of life.  It may not be the way that most of us are used to but it is not a religion, or a cult, or movement.  It refers to the same ability you use when you think negatively.  The only difference is that positive thinking takes a conscious effort UNTIL it becomes second nature to one's self.  This applies to a person who has the default nature of thinking negatively.

Many of us by default do not think positively or take things in a positive way.  If most of us do, then this topic would be the absolute reverse; the majority of  us will be wondering how a person could be so negative.  We are so programmed to the mentality of lack, or things do not always work out, that we could not even open our minds to the possibility of the exact opposite of that.

Remember, if you are capable of unconsciously creating negative thoughts and habits, you are capable of developing positive habits and replacing all the negative in your life.  No one else makes that choice except YOU.  The thoughts in your head and the feelings you feel are all YOUR CHOICES.

It may be hard to change habits but it is never too late; there is always a happy ever after.

For tips on combatting negative thoughts/feelings, here's my post on this.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Start Up Kit for Dealing with Stress/Negative Energy/Negative Thoughts

I created a startup kit for someone I love when he was in such a negative place in his life.  I found a window of opportunity that he is receptive to wisdom and I found myself writing a list for him.  I hope this helps all of you as well!

  1. Take deep breaths
  2. Take a walk to dissipate negative energy
  3. For every negative thought/energy, say/pray "My life is in divine order.  All is Well, Everything is Working out For Me."
  4. Read/watch something inspirational/funny EVERYDAY
  5. Distract your thoughts every 2-5 minutes by daydreaming or writing things you want/love/need
  6. Dig into your memory bank and pull the great and happy memories of your life, then think about them in place of the negative thought
  7. Be thankful.  Simply say "thank you" over and over
  8. Say great words in your mind repeateadly ; "Wealth, wealth, wealth, Love, Love, Love,  Peace, peace, peace.  Joy, joy, joy."

Divine Rays

We were blessed with lovely divine rays of sun yesterday.  I took a picture of them and they are breath taking~.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Wishing Well

This post is not about the wishing well of water but it is about the manner by which you effectively and lovingly and naturally wish people well.  The easiest way to do it is whatever great things you are praying or intending for yourself, you intend the same things for others.  All of us are connected.  All of us share this life journey.  It is but natural to share the blessings, the many great things that this life offers.  I wish for me and for them the same things.  Love, happiness, peace, prosperity, and great health to me and everyone!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Every day is a brand new chance to live your dream life.
No regrets.  Everything you have experienced made you the beautiful, strong, sexy, loving, better person you are today!
Choose the company of people you spend your time with. Choose the positive, inspiring, healthy, happy people!
Let's continue to create a generation of people who believe in love, peace, and prosperity!
Your only limitation is your belief.
What you believe is true is what makes or breaks you.
Hey you!  Yes YOU!  You are awesome!
The fastest way to get over a challenge is to accept and make peace with it.  It is called letting go.Once u let go the solution appears.
Stop holding on to memories and experiences that are sad and limiting.  It holds you back to manifesting Great things.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

May the rest of your life be the best of your life.
"Believe you have it now and you shall receive it."

"Infinite Intelligence opens up a door of expression for me where I am Divinely happy and Divinely prospered. God opens up the way for me and God's wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance."

"God's love surrounds every aspect of my life and my being and my life is in Divine order."

"Into the Holy Omnipresence of God I give myself, my plans, my ideas, and all the affairs of my life this day. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and His overshadowing Presence watches over me, my family, my business, and all things appertaining to me. God walks and talks in me and wherever I go God and His love accompany me. God prospers me in all my undertakings and His wealth flows to me freely, joyously, endlessly, and ceaselessly. I walk the earth with the praise of God forever on my lips."
Think rightly today - the future is always the present thought made manifest.
Fix your attention on the highest and the best in life and you will experience and surround yourself similarly with the highest and best of everything in life.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Affirmation for Riches (Joseph Murhpy)

"I recognize the eternal source of all riches which never fails. I am Divinely guided in all my ways, and I adapt myself to all new ideas. Infinite Intelligence is constantly revealing to me better ways to serve my fellow man. I am guided and directed to create products that will bless and help humanity. I attract men and women who are spiritual, loyal, faithful, and talented, and who contribute to the peace, prosperity, and progress of our business. I am an irresistible magnet and attract fabulous wealth by giving the best possible quality of products and services. I am constantly in tune with the Infinite and the substance of wealth. Infinite intelligence governs all my plans and purposes, and I predicate all my success on the truth that God leads, guides, and governs me in all my undertakings. I am at peace inwardly and outwardly at all  times. I am a tremendous success. I am one with God, and God is always successful. I must succeed. I am succeeding now. I grasp the essentials of all details of my business. I radiate love and goodwill to all those around me and to all my employees. I fill my mind and heart with God's love, power, and energy. All those connected with me are spiritual links in my growth, welfare, and prosperity. I give all honor and glory to God."

Monday, February 2, 2015

knowing what you want will take you there

it is never too late to be that loving, positive, inspirational person that you want to be
live your life with great expectations!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Desire Affirmations - Joseph Murphy

That _____ is mine.  I accept it mentally, and my subconscious sees to it that I receive it.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Clearing Spaces

For new and better things to come into your life, you must have a space for it.  Get rid of things you don't need or are no longer using.  Purge your house of these things.  The room and space that you create out of the clearing will pave the way for new, great things to come into your life.